Saturday, August 31, 2019

Shallow Foundation

Shallow foundations Shallow foundations are those founded near to the finished ground surface; generally where the founding depth (Df) is less than the width of the footing and less than 3m. These are not strict rules, but merely guidelines: basically, if surface loading or other surface conditions will affect the bearing capacity of a foundation it is ‘shallow'. Shallow foundations (sometimes called ‘spread footings') include pads (‘isolated footings'), strip footings and rafts.Shallows foundations are used when surface soils are sufficiently strong and stiff to support the imposed loads; they are generally unsuitable in weak or highly compressible soils, such as poorly-compacted fill, peat, recent lacustrine and alluvial deposits, etc. Pad foundations Pad foundations are used to support an individual point load such as that due to a structural column. They may be circular, square or reactangular. They usually consist of a block or slab of uniform thickness, but th ey may be stepped or haunched if they are required to spread the load from a heavy column.Pad foundations are usually shallow, but deep pad foundations can also be used. Strip foundations Strip foundations are used to support a line of loads, either due to a load-bearing wall, or if a line of columns need supporting where column positions are so close that individual pad foundations would be inappropriate. The main area of strip foundation are buildings with heavy walls (brick, concrete, stone), and heavy floor slabs. Strip foundation is located on the perimeter exterior walls, and placed under the supporting inner walls of buildings or other areas with increased load.Also strip foundation is well-suited for homes, which is planned to create basement, garage or basement. Strip foundation is also suitable in the case of a possible slight deformation of the base. Typically, strip footing located below the level of soil freezing at 20 cm of sandy soil You can lay the strip foundation a nd higher levels of freezing, but not more than 60 cm from ground level. For deep-freezing and highly swelling soils usually strip foundation shall not apply. Process itself strip foundation construction is simple, on the other hand it requires a fairly high cost of materials and work on the construction of the foundation.There are criteria for the minimum thickness of the foundation, which can be used building a house. Thus, the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete strip foundation – 10 cm of concrete – 25 cm, rubble concrete foundation – 35 cm, well and laying of natural stone – 50 cm in the construction of strip foundation to be also take into account the permissible load on the soil under the foundation. For clay soils at a depth of 80 cm load should not exceed 2 kg/cm2. In addition to pouring the foundation concrete mixtures, often strip foundations erected using ready-made foundation blocks or bricks.This speeds up the process of building a foun dation. It should also be noted that during the construction of strip foundation is an opportunity to save money raising the foundation to the full depth only during the construction of heavy structures. There is still the most reliable option strip foundation remains solid foundation, more time-consuming and requires prior creating formwork and reinforcement training design to increase strength strip foundation. And in this case, the valves must be connected to each other by welding. Raft foundationsRaft foundations are used to spread the load from a structure over a large area, normally the entire area of the structure. They are used when column loads or other structural loads are close together and individual pad foundations would interact. A raft foundation normally consists of a concrete slab which extends over the entire loaded area. It may be stiffened by ribs or beams incorporated into the foundation. Raft foundations have the advantage of reducing differential settlements a s the concrete slab resists differential movements between loading positions.They are often needed on soft or loose soils with low bearing capacity as they can spread the loads over a larger area. Deep foundations * Piles Deep foundations are those founding too deeply below the finished ground surface for their base bearing capacity to be affected by surface conditions, this is usually at depths >3 m below finished ground level. They include piles, piers and caissons or compensated foundations using deep basements and also deep pad or strip foundations. Deep foundations can be used to transfer the loading to a deeper, more competent strata at depth if unsuitable soils are present near the surface.Piles are relatively long, slender members that transmit foundation loads through soil strata of low bearing capacity to deeper soil or rock strata having a high bearing capacity. They are used when for economic, constructional or soil condition considerations it is desirable to transmit lo ads to strata beyond the practical reach of shallow foundations. In addition to supporting structures, piles are also used to anchor structures against uplift forces and to assist structures in resisting lateral and overturning forces.Piers are foundations for carrying a heavy structural load which is constructed insitu in a deep excavation. Caissons are a form of deep foundation which are constructed above ground level, then sunk to the required level by excavating or dredging material from within the caisson. Compensated foundations are deep foundations in which the relief of stress due to excavation is approximately balanced by the applied stress due to the foundation. The net stress applied is therefore very small. A compensated foundation normally comprises a deep basement. Types of pilePiles are often used because adequate bearing capacity can not be found at shallow enough depths to support the structural loads. It is important to understand that piles get support from both e nd bearing and skin friction. The proportion of carrying capacity generated by either end bearing or skin friction depends on the soil conditions. Piles can be used to support various different types of structural loads. End bearing piles End bearing piles are those which terminate in hard, relatively impenetrable material such as rock or very dense sand and gravel.They derive most of their carrying capacity from the resistance of the stratum at the toe of the pile. Friction piles Friction piles obtain a greater part of their carrying capacity by skin friction or adhesion. This tends to occur when piles do not reach an impenetrable stratum but are driven for some distance into a penetrable soil. Their carrying capacity is derived partly from end bearing and partly from skin friction between the embedded surface of the soil and the surrounding soil.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Plan Electrical Blinds

Description We offer solar powered blinds to both consumer and businesses. Taking part of the green movement, we allow our consumers to utilize direct energy from the sun that can be translated into powering small appliances within houses and corporate buildings. With most large building and houses using blinds we can capitalize on the large un tapped market place. Our goal is to partner with large blind companies and push forward our technology Marketing Plan and StrategyTarget Market Our main focus will be targeting home owners , business and building landlords. Offering our service to this niche market of green conscious building owners will allow us to capitalize on the reneable energy sector. Competitors Our competitors will be large corporation who have already developed solar panels that are able to translate into powering small appliances. These companies will easily be able to enter the market and take market share.Our biggest competitors will be 3M technologies who have alr eady developed small solar panel film that is able to be placed on solid objects. Pricing strategy Partnering with existing blind companies that already have existing contracts with building , home and landlord owners will be our largest attribute in penetrating the market. We will offer them a 8% profit in sales to use their blinds with our technology. In addition we will offer large distirubtion discounts to building owners to be more enticing to purchase our technologies with blinds.Promotion and distribution We will promote our product through government services that promote green movement within the energy sector. Distributing our products with large blind corporoation such as blinds to go will allow us to increase sales dramatically within the industry. Quality target To ensure quality we will have our technology fully certified before distribution. In addition we will * Green , durable , passes all ISO test Technology requirementsOur product will require solar power film tha t can recharge batteries which can power small application. Our blinds will have standard 12V adapters which will allow direct connection of appliances. Service support To keep our clients satisfied with our services we offer a 24/7 direct support line if any products fail during the desired warranty period. We offer 1,3 and 5 year warranty programs. Management Kyle – 10 years of electrical engineering back groundArchuna – 15 years of marketing and sales with a back ground in solar panel construction Shadan – 17 years of R&D at 3M technologies, specializing in solar panel construction. Background in blind sales from Blinds To Go. Organization structure Pyramid style CEO – Director – Employees Intellectual property: Patents – Solar panel film, battery charger, power adapter Copywrite – Solar panel blind architectural design Financial plan Receive funding from angel investors in order to market our solar panel film into the market.We pl an to invest in distribution, marketing our product. We will also invest in R&D to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of our solar panel film. Risk 1. New competitors that are able to replicate our technologies at a lower price. 2. Consumer will not adapt to our technology and will prefer standard blinds 3. Our prices will be for a niche market of consumers , the standard everyday living middle class buyer will not be willing to pay additional cost for our blinds

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Duel

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr meet at Weehawken on July 11, 1804 to end the long rivalry between both of them. The collision between Hamilton and Burr in 1804 was clear that they came from family backgrounds that have contributed to their rivalry. Burr was born into a prestigious social status and Hamilton being an illegitimate son of West Indian parents and had no connection. Therefore, he married Elizabeth Schuyler.Where his father-in-law was a Senate and in 1791 G. Philip Schuyler lost his Senate seat to Burr. Due to Hamilton popularity in Federalist, he blocked the Federalists to nominate Burr for governor. Then in 1792, Burr declared himself a Democratic-Republican. John Adams called Burr â€Å"unprincipled both as a public and private man† Hamilton was a Federalist and Burr was a Republican. Both men have repeatedly opposed each other.Hamilton owned the Bank of New York. Burr broke the stranglehold of the Federalists financers. Hamilton had lost the power of the purs e and his political prominence all because of Aaron Burr. In that year, a tie between the Democratic-Republican candidates Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson, Hamilton in effort for denying Burr for becoming the winner for candidate, he favor Jefferson and crushed Burr campaign that let to Jefferson winning the election.On June 27, Burr formally challenged Hamilton to a duel, and Hamilton accepted because Hamilton political led him to refuse to deny the challenge. The duel wasn’t the result of the 1804 election but more of a culmination of their rivalry and disagreement between both of them for decades. Hamilton death was truly a tragedy for America because his efforts during American Revolution and Secretary of the Treasury.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

US GAAP IFRS Convergence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

US GAAP IFRS Convergence - Essay Example According to the research findings over the past 15 years, many accounting controversies and scandals have caused financial turmoil and resulted in the bankruptcy of several major firms. In response to these events, the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) began developing the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) to provide transparency and comparability for investors across the world. Today, more than 113 countries have adopted the IFRS or are in the process of converging to the standard. While countries such as Canada adopted the IFRS as early as 2011, the United States has maintained that transition from the US GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) to the globally accepted IFRS will require more time. The US GAAP is the accounting standard followed by all companies registered in the United States. Doherty estimates that the US will not be able to adopt the IFRS completely before 2015. As a result, both the FASB (Federal Accounting Standards Board of the US) and the IASB have been working to achieve convergence between the two standards. However, this convergence exercise has been ongoing for several years as related agencies including the FASB, IASB, SEC and the general industry debate on the pros and cons of specific rules and regulations. The first step towards achieving convergence between the US GAAP and IFRS was initiated by the Norwalk Agreement in 2002, under which both governing bodies pledged their commitment towards the goal of convergence and agreed to realize it by the year 2008. The boards met once again in 2008 to discuss outstanding milestones and agreed to fulfill them by 2011. Both organizations planned to achieve this through joint projects that would help define and establish a set of principle-based standards (Nobes and Parker, 2010). Achieving these objectives, within the stipulated time period, has however not been possible, owing to a number of bottlenecks and shortcomings on the part of both the IASB and the FASB. For example, both parties realized during 2010 that they would be unable to resolve all outstanding issues by 2011 (Brands, 2011). In response, they decided to prioritize all such projects based on their relative importance. Despite ensuring quicker resolution of these urgent issues, many prioritized projects such as ‘Financial Instruments’ and ‘Revenue Recognition’ are yet to be resolved. As a result, other ‘low-priority’ projects like ‘Income Taxes’, ‘Financial Statement Presentation’ and ‘Liabilities’ are unlikely to be resolved in the near future (Bruce, 2010). Much of the delay can be attributed to the overwhelming and diverse nature of public feedback, received in the form of exposure drafts, which need to be thoroughly examined and analyzed to determine the most appropriate standard. The delay is further exacerbated, as the boards then have to prepare subsequent drafts after taking al l public feedback into consideration and re-expose them for further public scrutiny. Most recently, the FASB and IASB announced that they would re-expose their latest drafts on revenue and leases. Based on their expected date of publication and comments from interested parties, the effective date for both standards is unlikely to be set any earlier than 2015 (Jamal, 2010). Thus, it is evident that despite considerable planning it has been impossible to prevent unavoidable delays in the early adoption of a common accounting standard. Hail, Leuz and Wysocki (2010a) blame the IASB and the FASB for ignoring due diligence and instead focusing their efforts towards meeting the deadline. He criticizes both rule-setting bodies for setting highly optimistic targets instead of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management of Information System Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Management of Information System Change - Essay Example The widespread impact of continuous spells of pandemics and other biological attacks alerted the authorities of need for introducing and action plan against the emergencies related to all epidemics and pandemics. The foundation for BioSense was formulated as a national action aimed at improving the bio-surveillance facilities in the country with the amalgamation of existing resource data from all health care organisations and national agencies of data collection. The operation of BioSense is a great advantage to the emergency management system as it enhances the intensity of early detection of health related issues and the acceleration of remedial proceedings. The total action pack of BioSense is framed for simultaneous execution of collection, analysis and evaluation of public health care data from all sources specifically. The case contexts and beneficiary zones of BioSense’s services are DoD and VA hospitals, ambulance clinics, and large clinical laboratories apart from the direct live-wire data collection centers such as local hospitals, healthcare systems, and syndrome-surveillance systems. The functioning of BioSense has brought revolutionary changes in the effect of bio-emergency management systems with the implication of its uses in disease trend monitoring and tracking potential disease cases for synchronizing access to existing health surveillance systems. The initial plan of installing the system was on the ratio of one for each ten cities in the country in 2005.... ion, and in most cases, its prominence was seen to be nullified for lack of support and acceptability from larger hospital units and local health care providers. After evaluating all the points discussed in the journal, the eviction of such a system can be justified for many reasons described in the explanation that are to be read on. 2. Challenges for Implementation BioSense represents the proficiency of the web-based application of the software monitoring inter-hospital health and disease assessment. However, it is obvious that the operation of BioSense is a high profile deal with many professionals is required to access the conditions every moment. Detecting the early symptoms of a bioterrorist attack was the aim of CDC’s proposal for the installation of this system. It was also aimed at providing standards, infrastructure and data acquisition for early detection of every unfriendly situation. The introduction of new software was largely expensive for its operation. As evid ent from the details of the US Government Accountability office, BioSense acquired the financial aid of over $200million till 2006. The managerial challenges faced by BioSense were attributed to the functionary units in association with data collection. Majority of the questions were about the proximity and accuracy of the data collection from the three appointed sources namely, Department of Defense (DOD) Military Treatment Facilities, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) treatment facilities and the Laboratory Corporation of America (LAbCorp) as to how timely were the data based on emergency situations. This question was supported by the irrelevance of the resource data as it took longer time to cover the concerned regions than the time required for emergency procedures of precocious measures.

Tv show critque Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tv show critque - Assignment Example First and foremost, it is evident that the intention of feministic television was good at the first instant, however, over the years they have been used by women to levy attacks on men. On the same point, feministic television shows have at time come in between people marriages. Apparently, since they support strong women values, they judgement towards men has been biased thus have affected men negatively. Furthermore, due to this bias in judgement men values and right have been undermined with the sole intention of championing the woman’s interest. In summation, feministic television shows are good if they promote fair judgement as opposed to gender discrimination. Therefore, it is mandatory to observe this crucial factor and the feminism will be promoted to the highest levels using television and other communication devices as their medium of sharing ideas. To this end, feminist television shows need to observe gender equality or face abolition since they should consider the male species as an equal as opposed to an

Monday, August 26, 2019

The knowledge level and attitudes of pregnant women in passing on Research Paper

The knowledge level and attitudes of pregnant women in passing on sickle cell disease - Research Paper Example The paper tells that sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disease where the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells containing abnormal hemoglobin. Sickle cells are stiff and sticky and tend to block blood flow in the blood vessels of the limbs and organs. Blocked blood flow causes serious infections, pain, and organ damage. Patients are born with it. People who inherit a normal gene from one of the parent and sickle hemoglobin gene from the other parent exhibit a sickle cell trait. People with a sickle cell trait do not have Sickle cell anemia but have one gene that causes the disease. Approximately 2,500 people have sickle cell anaemia. This disease is now prevalent among pregnant women. A study on sickle cell anaemia in pregnant women is very significant for it will impart knowledge on this condition in relation to the woman’s and the in-born child’s health. However, the study is challenging as people have very little knowledge on this disease. The study seeks t he relevance between the level of knowledge and the attitudes of pregnant women with the sickle cell trait from the Mississippi Delta and the sickle cell disease. To achieve this, the researcher will rely on an interview done in Mississippi Delta on Africa-American pregnant women and other relevant literature. Age, marital status, economic status, occupation, and level of education are some of the demographic variables the researcher used. According to the interview, only 20% of the respondents have enough knowledge about the sickle cell trait. ... This implies that there is very little knowledge on the sickle cell trait hence the increased spread of sickle cell anaemia from pregnant women to their inborn children. Contents Contents 4 Background 6 Problem Statement 7 Purpose 8 Research Questions 8 Philosophical Basis 8 Definitions 10 Summary 11 Introduction 12 Concept Development 14 Major Related Studies 15 Summary 17 Study Design 19 Sample 19 Inclusion criteria 19 Interviews 20 Data Collection Plan 20 Ethical Considerations 21 Data Analysis Plan 22 Stage 1 22 Stage 2 22 Stage 3 22 Stage 4 23 Stage 5 23 Stage 6 23 Stage 7 23 Strategies for Rigor and Validity 24 Summary 25 REFERENCES 26 Introduction 32 Demographics of the Sample 32 Major Themes 33 Summary 35 Introduction 37 Limitations 39 Summary 41 REFERENCES 43 DEMOGRAPHIC TOOL 44 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 46 CONSENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH STUDY 47 ASSENT TO PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH STUDY 49 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background Sickle cell disease is a disorder of the blood that is genetic in nature. Defective hemoglobin molecules that aggregate to form sickle-shaped, elongated, and inflexible rod-like structures that are unable to pass through small blood vessels (Papadakis et al, 2006) characterize it. As they are unable to pass through these small vessels, these sickle-shaped cells pile up together leading to blockages and starving tissues and organs of oxygenated blood. This results in regular periods of pain and is associated with damage to important body organs and tissues and can cause serious medical problems. Blockage may cause problems such as vaso-occlusive, hemolytic, splenic sequestration, and aplastic crises. Other medical conditions that may result include infections, stroke, priapism,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pattern Recognition Using Neural Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Pattern Recognition Using Neural Network - Essay Example Pattern Recognition or Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a pipelined process consisting of several stages in proper sequence. They are shown in figure 2. Each character is represented as a combination of pixels. All pixels together make a huge feature vector. Total number of pixels is equal to wh where w is the number of pixel in width side and h is the pixels present in height. Figure 3 depicts the way pixel forms one particular character. xi is the fraction of ink in pixel i. Classifier must be adaptive (generalize) in nature so that it can be able to recognize patterns encountering first time. A typical character image is 6464 pixels large and for each such pixel 256 grey values are required making feature space large. For training a recognizer hence, requires huge amount of data to fill this vast space. In order to reduce the dimension space Principal Component Analysis is mostly used which transforms into lower dimension space (Yeung & Ruzzu, 2001). OCR also should make a distinguishing between 'O' and '6'. Figure 4 shows one case example. If t/b comes smaller that means letter is 'O' otherwise '6'. A good algorithm must define the tolerance level (T) adequately. Other examples of such cases are letter 'q' and digit '9'. There are various algorithm or computer processes available for pattern recognition. One such example is Brian Sanderson's Pattern Recognition (PR) Algorithm. Every patter is identified according to three systems of notation:333 Conway Thurston Notation. P3 The International Union of Crystallography notation. S333 The Montesinos Notation First identify the maximum rotation number whether it is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6. Then check any mirror is present or not (m). Is there any indecomposable glide reflection (g) And finally whether there is any rotation axis on the mirror present or not. Other than this Genetic Algorithm also works as PR. Selection of patterns play an important role in PR process as it determines the accuracy of algorithm, its learning time, and the necessary number of samples. Best selection of feature plays important role at the time developing classifiers. The problem comes out more difficult when number of features become very large. Genetic Algorithm (GA) gives better result in that. As they are effective in rapid global search of large, nonlinear and sparsely spaced points, GA is applied for feature recognition problem. It combines different optimization problem into a single formulation problem (Morita). Most effective approach today for OCR is Neural Network based recognition. Neural Network: An Overview A Neural network is a massively parallel distributed processor made up of simple processing units, which has a natural propensity for storing experimental knowledge and making it available for use. It resembles the brain

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Economic - Essay Example There are even stray reports of tribes, scavenging the barren earth to seek out any plant life, or sapling which may have grown under cover and beneath the rocks. Concerted efforts have been made to serve cooked food at many centers, and even dry food packets have also been distributed from various locations in order to tackle this menace. The effectiveness of these adopted strategies can be felt to a great extent, but to completely wipe out this menace from the earth’s face, needs a long drawn and sustainable fight. It is indeed an irony, that when hunger and malnutrition is so rampant, large tracks of cultivable land explicitly for agricultural production, is being covertly and illegally altered to cultivate the highly profitable ‘poppy’ crop. The cash rich small farmers brave the authorities’ eyebrow, and a few corrupt officials are bought off by the powerful lobby of drug mafias, not only in Africa but in a few countries of Latin America. The world authority is striving hard, but political boundaries often act as a hindrance. The following table and illustration will make the gap between the income of developed and developing economies prominent: The prominent height of the two columns corresponding to the nations of America and UK shows the stark difference in individual level income or wealth from that of the developing economies of China and India. However, in these less developed countries of the world, the problem is not restricted to the cultivation of ‘poppy’ only by a restricted few – the signs are ominous enough! A whole new generation has been entrapped in its grip. It is quiet widespread in the towns and cities, and that too, among a cross- section of the society who can ill afford to. It is indeed a tragedy that the less fortunate strata among these less developed countries are its worst victims, who could otherwise have lived a life not so mucky and enslaved. The rehabilitation

Friday, August 23, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Education - Essay Example I seek to expand my knowledge base on every possible occasion and am good at crisis management. I am capable of handling complex situations, without becoming panicky and by maintaining my calm and composure, which is a pre-requisite for every professional in the field of Healthcare. The programme promises to help transform worthy individuals into Healthcare professionals, imparting necessary skills and temperamental polishing. It provides direction in terms of helping the students achieve ground for learning and practising the promotion of superior quality Healthcare, with better judgement skills. It also aims to help students equip themselves with scientific knowledge and also keep themselves abreast with the sweeping minute changes that take place in the industry, aiding the provision of improved healthcare to the society, at large. Therefore, keeping in mind my personal and professional strengths and abilities; and linking them up to the goals of the programme, it is evident that the programme will surely help me polish and sharpen my skills. In addition to this, I am confident that I shall work to the best of my ability and prove my stature as a candidate with immense potential and worthy of being given admission to pursue the programme. Therefore, I hope you will consider me for the same and help me make a mark for myself in the field of Healthcare, while also fulfilling my duty to this noble profession, the society and humanity, with the help of this programme.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Personal Training Case Scenario Essay Example for Free

Personal Training Case Scenario Essay Please type your response in paper format, double spaced. Paper should include questions and detailed answers and should be 6-8 pages in length. Citing is not necessary as it will be assumed that all of the information obtained will be from the NSCA Essentials of Personal Training text. Papers will be due April 19th and will be 20% of your grade. You have just been contacted via telephone by Jane Doe, a 40 year old female who would like to meet with you to discuss the possibilities of obtaining your personal training services. Please describe the consultation process that you will use. (Client-trainer compatibility should be a main component here). Jane Doe called me on the phone one day while I was at the Community Center working at the help desk. We set up the initial interview for the following day. The importance of the initial interview is for the personal trainer and the client to assess compatibility, develop goals, and establish a client-trainer agreement. When Jane first arrives for the interview I will provide a description of the services available and that I can provide her. I will explain to her that I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association as of May 2012 and I have completed an Essentials of Personal Training class for credit at Northern Michigan University. I will explain to her the mission statement of the Community Center (mission statement of NSCA is to unify members and facilitate a professional exchange of ideas in strength development as it relates to the improvements of athletic performance and fitness) unique features to the program, and where and when services are available. I will then need to evaluate her readiness for fitness by assessing her level of motivation and commitment. I will ask her to discuss her past experience with exercise, time management skills, and possible obstacles that would prevent her from meeting with me. I would have her complete an attitudinal assessment which helps me understand her relationship with fitness. It is also important for me to explain for her and to understand roles, r esources, expectations and boundaries of the program. I will try to get an understanding in what kind of training that Jane is interested in and if I think that my abilities would allow us to make a good match. After establishing compatibility I would discuss with Jane her goals and objectives as it relates to motivation. I would help explain that developing specific goals are important that they are able to be measurable, realistic, and time sensitive. If her idea in losing weight is 15 pounds a week, I will have to explain to her that it is simply not a realistic goal, because a more fitting objective would be 1-2 pounds per week. After establishing goals, a very important part of the initial interview is the client-trainer agreement. I will then present Jane with a written document describing the services, people involved, expectations of those people, cost structure and payment process. It will also include termination policy and other issues that may be pressing. I would give J ane the document and ask her to read it so she understands everything and we would discuss it thoroughly so there is no miscommunication; once it is signed by both of us it becomes valid. After meeting with Jane, she has decided she would like you to be her personal trainer. You have scheduled a fitness assessment with Jane for the following day. Please describe what information you will need to tell her to so that she is prepared for the assessment. I will let Jane know that the purpose of the assessment is to gather baseline data and provide a basis for developing goals and effective exercise programs. I want to choose tests that will match with her goals. I will tell Jane to dress in comfortable athletic clothing and to wear appropriate tennis shoes. I will make sure that before she comes to the fitness assessment that she needs to make sure she gets adequate rest, that she stays hydrated throughout the day and brings water with her, and that if she eats it should be at least a c ouple hours before our meeting. Her goals are: * Lose 30 pounds * Decrease body fat * Increase overall health * Increase muscular strength and endurance * Increase mobility * Increased cardiovascular capacity * Better eating habits Jane has arrived for her assessment. Which paperwork will you complete with her and why? Based on her goals, which fitness tests will you perform? Will nutrition advice be included in your assessment process? Why or why not? Some paperwork I will have Jane complete is a health appraisal screening. This is to help identify known diseases and possible risk factors associated with coronary artery disease and question if Jane may need medical referral before starting the exercise program. I would have Jane fill out a Par-Q (physical activity readiness questionnaire) form which identifies if individuals are healthy enough to start training or if they need additional medical attention. Another form I would have her fill out is the health/medical questionnaire. This form identifies any diseases, personal medical history, health concerns, medication and lifestyle management. I would then proceed to ask Jane questions to gather a lifestyle inventory so I can understand some of her daily habits and figure if she has any behaviors that are positively or negatively impacting her health. I would ask questions about her diet, stress management, physical activity, and sleep pattern. I would then give Jane a document on informed consent which gives her information about the content and process of the program delivery. I will evaluate all this information and collect all the paperwork and keep it in a personal file for Jane Doe so I can keep a record of my client. After filling out paperwork we will began some of the fitness testing. I will start with some of the rest tests (blood pressure and resting heart rate) first, because if Jane wants to improve her cardiovascular capacity and overall health, it is important to take note of how her exercise affects her blood pressure (exercise is proven to lower BP) and if her resting heart rate decreases after the program (that would mean the program was effective). To asses her body fat and weight I would perform two body composition tests on Jane to make the assessment more valid. I would use the waist to hip ratio, and then I would perform the skinfold test because it directly measures thickness of fat tissue. This test is valid and can be reliably measu red properly and this test you can easily see results. I would use waist to hip ratio instead of body mass index because that is not always accurate and it doesn’t account for muscle weight (muscle weighs more than fat). After the resting tests I would have Jane move on to some flexibility tests for reasons that she wants to increase her mobility. I would have Jane perform a sit and reach test because it measures hip and low back flexibility. Since Jane wants to increase her muscular strength and endurance, I will have her complete the muscular strength test last so it won’t tire her out before the muscular endurance tests. I will have her perform the one-minute sit-up test because it measures abdominal strength and hip flexor muscle groups. I will also have her perform the push-up test because it uses her own body weight. For muscular strength I will have her complete a 1-repetitions maximum bench press and leg press to see where her maximum strength is in her arms and legs. To asses for cardiovascular endurance, I will have Jane complete the YMCA step test because it measures the heart rate recovery response immediately after the test. I will also have Jane complete the Rockport walking test which estimates the VO2 max for older men and women and it requires only walking at a fast pace. I will give general nutrition a dvice to Jane to address misinformation and advice as it relates to physical performance, disease prevention, weight loss and weight gain. I can refer Jane to a dietician if I believe she has a disease state affected by her eating, but I should only give information on nutrition after assessing Jane’s diet, and I can give her recommendations that can match to Jane’s dietary goals. I can help asses Jane’s diet through dietary recall, diet history, and ask her to keep a diet record. I am not certified to prescribe anything to Jane, but if I recognize more complicated nutrition issues, I am only here to guide her diet, be a source of credible information, and refer her to someone when necessary. During the assessment, Jane explains to you that she suffers from anxiety, stress and mild depression. How will you educate her regarding exercise and its effects on these conditions? I will explain to Jane that the benefits of exercise are endless and that there is evidenc e that participation in physical activity has significant mental health benefits, which include a reduction in anxiety and depression, decreased reactivity to psychological stress, and enhanced cognition. Many workout routines for continuous periods of time can be relaxing, and many routines are rhythmic which can be calming to the central nervous system and this can cause a quieting of the cognitive activity associated with anxiety or stress. Along with anxiety, research evidence consistently reveals that physical exercise yields significant effects for men and women who suffer from depression and less severe forms. Exercise offers an appropriate and effective means of coping and feeling better, while also increasing ones overall health. When exercising, your brain releases serotonin (neurotransmitter with antidepressant effects) and the levels are elevated during and following the activity. Being socially interactive that occurs in an exercise setting or forming a sense of accomplishment after a workout makes people feel a sense of independence and decreased feelings of helplessness. Therefore, being physically active not only helps you to look better, but it helps to make you feel better on the inside as well. Explain to Jane some of the resistance and aerobic training adaptations she can expect to see as a result of her training program. Why would it be important to someone starting an exercise program to understand these training adaptations? Acute responses to exercises are changes that occur in the body during and shortly after an exercise bout. And chronic responses to exercise are changes in the body that occur after repeated training bouts and persist long after the training session is over. During the initial phases of resistance training there is a dramatic increase in the activation of motor units and improvements in strength are due to neural adaptations. Resistance training leads to muscle hypertrophy but it is usually not measured until 8-12 weeks after the beginning of the program. A lot of neurological responses, muscular and endocrine changes will be seen in resistance adaptation. An example of a neurological change would be the number of motor units recruited. An endocrine change includes an increase in epinephrine which increases fat and carb breakdown by the cell for more ATP (energy) production. Some chronic adaptations include after about 1-2 months most strength increases due to hypertrophy and skill of movement. Women tend to build stronger and thicker bones and high volume resistance training may induce glycolitic enzymatic adaptations that increase muscle endurance. Resistance training programs increase fat-free mass, improving body composition. Resistance training programs increase metabolic rate, due to the high metabolic activity of muscle. The effects of aerobic exercise are regulated by the intensity, frequency, and duration of the activity. If one exercises at a greater heart rate, then the training adaptation will be greater. Heart rate and stroke volume increases because the cardiac output is increased, yet the heart also becomes stronger in size because it has to pump more blood (decreased resting heart rate). The energy systems in t he body also become better at producing energy and stored energy in the form of fat is utilized during aerobic training which leads to a change in body composition. Body increases the available fuel sources as well as the enzymes responsible for utilizing those fuel sources. The respiratory changes include increased lung capacity and blood flow. It is appropriate to know this so the client won’t over train or detraining. Changes are the exact opposite of what occurs during training programs. Some common markers for overtraining include decreased performance, decreased body fat, decreased maximum oxygen uptake, increased muscle soreness and increased sympathetic stress response among other things. It is important for Jane to recognize the changes her body will be making as a result of exercise so she can see improvement and stay motivated. During your assessment, you find the following: * Height: 62 inches * Weight: 180 lbs. * Body Fat: 30% * Blood pressure: 138/85 mmHg * Resting HR: 70 * Upper body endurance: average * Lower body endurance: poor * Rockport walk test 18 minutes * Sit and reach: 16 inches Jane has committed to training with you two days per week and three times on her own. Based on your fitness testing and her stated goals, what will be some of the short-term and long-term goals you will set at the end of the assessment? Why is it important to set goals? What are some important characteristics of goal setting? Goals are important to set because they keep the client motivated to not only work out with the trainer but also make sure they are making the program effective by working out on their own too. It is important to have something to work towards because there is always room for improvement and once achieved, setting a goal gives you a sense of accomplishment. Some easy goals I would first start out with are that Jane commits to show up to train with me two days a week for at least one month, three on her own, and that she aim to work out 5 days a week total. Another short-term goal is that Jane aim to lose about a pound a week. A long-term goal for Jane would be to have a 10% reduction in body weight at the end of 6 months, so her goal would be to lose 18 pounds in 6 months. According to Jane’s BMI she falls in the class one obesity, and has a very high blood pressure which puts her at risk for heart disease and diabetes, so it would be an important goal to drop her blood pressure to about 130/85 at the end of 6 months. Her Rockport walk test also fell in the range of poor so a long-term goal would be to get her time down to 14 minutes instead of 18 which would help improve her Vo2 max which ultimately helps increase her cardiovascular capacity and aerobic endurance. A short term goal would be to drop about 12 seconds off of her time each week. Some general goals would be to increase her upper and lower b ody muscular strength and endurance. A nutritional goal I will first start out for Jane is to eat a healthy breakfast every morning after she wakes up and to drink at least six cups of water every day. A long-term goal is to eventually have Jane eat 2-3 cups of fruit and veggies, 5 ounces of lean/low-fat meat and poultry, 3 ounces of whole grains, and about 3 cups of low/non-fat dairy every day (recommendations are referenced from Some characteristics of goal setting include that they should be specific, measureable, and observable. It’s important to clearly identify time constraints. By beginning with goals that are simple to achieve, the personal trainer can create a sense of achievement and self-confidence for the client so they can eventually make their goals more challenging. Goals should be recorded, monitored, and evaluated. Short-term goals should be set first to achieve long-term goals, and they should also be prioritized so the most important one s are first. Describe your resistance training program in detail and why you have chosen this plan for this specific client. Jane is a beginner when it comes to resistance training. Topics to include are: Since Jane is a beginner in resistance training I will have her meet with me for an over an hour on Mondays and Thursdays. Her main goal is muscular endurance so I will alternate the upper and lower body exercises. Bench Press (free weight) 2 sets x 15 reps at 50 pounds Leg Press (pivot based machine) 2 sets x 15 reps at 140 pounds Seated row (cam based machine) 2 sets x 15 reps at 30 pounds Leg curl (cam based machine) 2 sets x 15 reps at 20 pounds Shoulder press (cam based machine) 2 sets x 15 reps at 15 pounds Squat (FW) 2 sets x 15 reps (try without any weights and then slowly add bar or dumbbells) Bicep curl (FW) 2 sets x 15 reps at 30 pounds Standing calf raise 2 sets x 15 reps Triceps pushdown (pivot based machine) 2 sets x 15 reps at 15 pounds Stability ball abdominal crunch 2 sets x 15 reps * Exercise choice: I used a mixture of free weights and machine based exercises because Jane is a beginner. The core exercises I chose are bench press, leg press, squats, seated row, and shoulder press because those work major muscle groups. The assistance exercises are leg curl, biceps curl, calf raises, triceps pushdown and abdominal crunches which work small muscle groups. * Frequency: Because Jane is a beginner, she is only meeting with me two times a week and I want to make sure she has proper form when weight training so I would prefer she did her resistance exercises with me in the gym so I can coach her. The days are spaced out evenly so Jane has enough recovery time in between. * Order: It is important to alternate upper body and lower body exercises so that Jane doesn’t get too fatigued. She will complete one set of each exercise and then repeat because muscular endurance goals call for between 2-3 sets. * Load: Because Jane is a beginner I used percent of body-weigh t testing protocol for a guideline. Her weight is 180 pounds but I used the maximum 140 pounds as an average to get a good idea on how much weight she should be lifting. I used table 15.5 to help with body weight factors and used the calculation to estimate how much weight Jane should be lifting. * Repetitions: Because Jane’s goal is muscular endurance it is important to do 2-3 sets within 12-15 repetitions to get good results. * Volume: (total number of repetitions times the weight lifted per repetition) If I calculated all the repetitions times the weight lifted in a given day, Jane is lifting around over 5000 pounds. * Variation: Jane is only working out with me for two days out of the week and the only variation I will use is alternating upper body and lower body. * Progression: 2-for-2 rule: if a client can complete two more repetitions than the repetition goal in the final set for two consecutive training sessions then I will add on more weight depending on the exercise and the amount of weight Jane can lift in the first place. Jane is inexperienced in weight training so for every exercise I show her how do it first and then see if she can do it with no weight. Then I will add on a third of the set weight and have her do 12 reps and then if she can complete that with proper form then I will have her complete the actual exercise. After about two weeks I will start progressing Jane and adding more weight so she can slowly increase and improve her performance. After a few months I will slowly increase the frequency and exercise choice to add variation so Jane’s muscles don’t get used to the same workouts and to also see improvement. Describe your cardiovascular plan in detail and why you have chosen this plan for this specific clien t. Topics to include are: When Jane meets with me on Mondays and Thursdays I will also have her do some aerobics but a light workout because those are also the days she will be lifting. * Exercise mode: On Mondays Jane will be on the machine (treadmill) and then on Thursdays the bike. On the treadmill Jane will be walking, and on the bike Jane will be biking. On Wednesdays and Saturdays Jane will not be using a machine she will just be walking, and then she will use stairs at her home to do stair stepping. On Sundays Jane will be doing stretching and flexibility exercises. * Exercise intensity: Jane’s maximum heart rate is 190 bpm. Her HRR is 120. Because one of Jane’s main goals is to lose weight and burn fat, she should aim to be in the fitness zone which targets fat burning and her heart rate target should be 114-133 bpm. Since Jane is still a beginner, her exercises should be low to moderate intensity, she should still be able to hold a conversation and talk while exercising. * Exercise duration: 20-30 min for five days a week is a good goal to have for Jane. Although on the days she meets with me on Mondays and Thursdays her aerobic exercise will only be duration of 10 minutes so she doesn’t become too fatigued. On Wednesdays and Saturday s Jane will walk for 20 min and do stair stepping for 10 min for a total workout of 30 min. * Exercise progression: After a few months and losing weight and after Jane becomes more experienced, I will evaluate her and one of her goals will be to slowly move to the aerobic zone and her target heart rate will become 133-152 bpm. Every two weeks I will add five minutes to her walking time on Wednesdays and Saturdays so in two weeks instead of walking for 20 min she will be walking for 25 min and so on. I will also increase the intensity at which Jane walks on the treadmill and bikes on the bike by very small increments every two weeks. * Which types of aerobic training programs will you choose? Why? Jane’s goal here is weight loss and aerobic improvement, so progression is a very important component to this aerobic training program. Because Jane is still a beginner and needs to improve her Rockport Walking Test score, I chose walking as a main exercise. Using the treadmill at the gym will help give Jane an idea as to what pace and intensity she should be walking at so it makes it easier for her to walk on her own. I also chose biking because cycling is also a good way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular endurance. On her days not at the gym I also chose for Jane to do stair steppi ng because she can easily do it at her home and it is also a good activity to get your heart rate up and it works on coordination, leg muscles, and improves cardiovascular endurance. On Sundays Jane should have an easier day but it is still important for her to stretch and work on flexibility. Some exercises I will have her do include lunge walk, butterfly, arm circles, side lunges, behind neck and back stretch, semi straddle, wall stretch, and walking knee tuck. It is important for Jane to get her blood flowing before performing any stretches and for every workout it is also important that Jane have a five minute warm-up and cool down. I will show Jane how to do each stretch and then I will give her a sheet that explains and gives pictures and a specific order on how to do them so she can perform them on her own. Jane would like to set up an exercise area at her home. What are some SPECIFIC guidelines and recommendations you could give her regarding which equipment to purchase and the logistics of setting up an exercise area? Some guidelines and recommendations I would give Jane regarding setting up an exercise area in her home would include that it is imperative that any exercise equipment purchased will fit into the home (think about ceiling height, door width, space of room). Cost is an important factor, and the equipment should not be kept out of sight because this might hinder the client being motivated to work out. The safety issues of a home exercise area includes keeping children and pets away from electrical outlets, running treadmills, free weights, bike pedals etc. A see-through gate around the area is always a good idea for a safer environment. When the equipment is not in use it should be turned off or locked or disabled or put into a different room. Other factors to think of are available electricity outlets and their safety, adequat e lighting, air circulation, mirrors, and protective flooring and celling. All the equipment should be placed along the perimeter of the room close to the walls. Another thing to consider is to allow 25 to 49 square feet for activities such as aerobic dancing, free body weights etc. It is also good to think about allowing enough space for a TV, DVD player, or music system for exercise tapes or listening to music. A home exercise facility that has good lighting and air circulation, and good entertainment is more desirable to work out in. How would your overall approach to the program change if Jane was 30 years old and 3 months pregnant? If Jane were three months pregnant there are definitely some different guidelines that I would use to be cautionary and safe. First and foremost I would check with her healthcare provider to make sure that exercising would be safe and beneficial to Jane. After the first trimester I would not have Jane lie in any supine position for any exercises and I would have her use more weight machines because it changes the center of gravity, but non-weight bearing activities are favored because this would reduce the risk of injury and body weight is always an effective way of working out. I would adjust the program according to avoid training at high levels of fatigue and be careful with balance and agility exercises. I would avoid any activity that would increase the risk of falling or trauma to the abdomen. 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise is very beneficial for most days of the week and abdominal and pelvic floor strength is emphasized. Large increases in body temperature should be minimized as well. I would definitely still have Jane continue her walking and stair stepping and most of her stretches. I would decrease the amount of weight she would be lifting for her resistance training and I would get rid of any of the lifts where she has to lie down. I would make sure she didn’t become too fatigued and I would closely m onitor for proper form.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Solid Waste and Recycling Essay Example for Free

Solid Waste and Recycling Essay Over the years, the demand for effective solid waste management and recycling has drastically risen. This has mainly been due to the fast changing methods of consumerism and drastically increasing populations of towns with time. Lack of long term focus has greatly contributed to the menace as the urban systems are highly dynamic and require visionary establishment that project into the future. The problem has also been exacerbated by poor technology adoption that is necessary for ensuring solid waste is effectively treated. Besides, modern planning systems require greater attention for recycling necessary for ensuring least pollution of environment while maximizing the utility of available materials. Failing to plan has been considered as major step in planning to fail in offering the necessary management of wastes in the major cities (Wilson et al, 2004). Most often, the term solid waste is used to denote municipal solid wastes which include all the wastes that are in non-liquid form generated within an urban setting. They mostly include domestic wastes from the residential areas, business and commercial centers, industrial centers and construction regions within the town jurisdictions. Recycling on the other hand involves focus on the already produced wastes to increase their utility (Eugenie, 2008). It is aimed at bringing different materials back in a useful format though mostly different from the previous one. Urban planning and management interlinks the two concepts as they are directly dependent on each other for effective treatment and management. This paper evaluates solid wastes and recycling as major considerations in urban planning. As a result, it extrapolates solid wastes management aspects necessary for consideration during urban planning. Acting as a structural system, the paper examines the waste stream from production up to disposal with appropriate planning aspects at each stage. Using examples of major cities and towns, effectiveness of solid waste planning and management systems are compared for efficiency. Besides, the paper also explores the possible planning and recycling techniques for solid wastes in the urban areas. In the conclusion, the paper gives recommendations that can be assumed by various urban planners and managers to effectively manage and recycle their wastes. Overview and statistics In US, over 500, 000, 000 tons of solid wastes are generated annually by urban centers. However, only 35% of this waste is recycled while the rest is disposed off. These indicate a strong increase in the recycling capacity of 8% since the year 1990. However, the quantity indicated is much lower as Environmental Protection Agency does not take into consideration of the incinerated solid wastes and that in the illegal landfills. Besides, this waste usually excludes health wastes which are categorized as hazardous wastes. Waste production has been increasing steadily since the onset of industrial revolution. About 0. 979 tons of wastes are disposed annually per person by the US population (Eugenie, 2008). However, the mode of handling the wastes differs greatly as states and towns have varying leadership and management as well as budgetary allocations. To add to that, the attitudes of the people in the major towns determine the suitability of the recycling processes thereby effectively contributing to the sorting out of the solid wastes for recycling process. Majority of the US cities and states have been exporting their wastes to other regions for treatment and disposal. On average, Pennsylvania exports 9,764,000 tons, Virginia 3, 891, 000 tons, Illinois 1, 548, 000, and New York 5, 600, 000 tons. Though this trend has been greatly criticized, it is considered as a better option since majority of the states and towns lack the correct facilities to treat and dispose off their wastes safely (Eugenie, 2008). Solid waste collection and transportation Arguably, town planning has diversified from the previous architectural focus to include new aspects of waste management that have become part of the same entity. Production capacity of an urban center is highly dependent on different factors that must be considered when drawing the management plan. Cognizant of the expansion capacity, the town must be fully equipped to collect various wastes produced in its jurisdictions. As the first step ample means of classifying the production regions and categorization of the same waste must be set in place. This role is usually taken by the Solid waste management departments of the urban managements. Collection of solid wastes acts as one of the most important initial stages as it prevents spread of the same wastes in the areas of production. To effectively manage collection of wastes, Loss Angeles, San Francisco and London have established cooperative mechanisms where they link with the private sector for the collection purposes. However, the private sector operates in a business model that may at times harm the residents of the different cities through increased taxes. Of greater importance, is the transport system for the collected wastes in different regions which has been accused of spreading the wastes collected along the transportation routes. Urban planning for solid wastes should always apply the principle of proximity choice which requires that wastes are treated and/ or disposed at the nearest possible point to reduce transferring related problems to other regions. Transportation for solid wastes should always be carried out in fully enclosed systems as different materials are light and can easily be dispersed away. Since this forms a major point of interaction between the residents and the waste collecting institutions, it is of great importance to ensure that inclusive coordination and cooperation is enhanced for effectiveness. Major towns fail due to lack of effective collection and transportation mechanisms. Of greater concerns have been the plastic bags which have turned the whole solid waste management into a riddle for many towns. Their collection and transportation should therefore be immediate and highly effective. Solid waste treatment

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Media And The Ever Changing Public Relations Media Essay

Social Media And The Ever Changing Public Relations Media Essay Throughout the 1990s, according to Pindom (2008) the amount of the world wide websites expanded from 100.000 to more than 160 million websites until today. At this time and age, specialists of public relations are progressively utilize as their main major way of communication, the electronic media. Actually, it is said that online media communication is the most fundamental and essential tool for practitioners of public relations (Phillips, 2000). By this way, the business of PR is forced to employ new technologies for coping effectively with the latest economic, political and sociological realities (Phillips, 2008). The current report aims to examine the impact of social media in the industry of public relations exploring the emergence of the approach of new media and the differences, advantages and disadvantages of traditional and new media channels. Moreover, it will investigate the effects of social media in the PR profession as well as the future of PR within the expanded online media usage. At last but not least, some suggestions for strategies will be made for the benefit of PR due to the continuously changing economic, political and social environment. PR in the era of Social Media One of the most remarkable facts of the 1990s was the explosive expansion of the internet which builded a different form of mass communication given that in 1994 it developed into an effective tool for commercial activity (Hanson, 2007). At that time, internet was just exchanging scientific information in contradiction with today which has transformed into an entire world, as a tool of global communication (Wilcox et al, 2009). Social media didnt actually start with the use of personal computers but it started off with telephones. Homemade electronic devices that could generate tones that were built in order to allow early social media explorers to make free calls and get access to the experimental back end of the telephone system. Ward Christensen was the first to develop electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) that was opened to the public in 1979. The first BBSs were small servers powered by personal computers attached to a telephone modem, where one person at a time could dial in and get access. BBSs had social discussions on message boards, community-contributed file downloads, and online games. Since the late 1960s the internet existed as a network, but the World Wide Web became publicly available in 1991. By the late 90s Usenet and BBSs were replaced by internet forums that have started growing in popularity. Social media are divided in the following types with the purpose of better understanding their functionality. First, the most influential type is social networking which includes sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. In this type of sites, people can share content, messages and add friends. Then, another type is Blogs, the most popular tool, which are online interactive journals where the author can share images, text and content from other blogs or websites and allows readers to leave comments. Examples of blogging platforms are WordPress, TypePad and Blogger. Moreover, there are Wikis as for instance Wikipedia, which refers to content created online as a result of multiple users working on the same content, but at different times and from different places. Additionally, Photo sharing, like Flickr and Photobucket, and Video Sharing, like YouTube are sites where people can upload their photos or videos respectively and share them in public. Furthermore, there is Social Bookmar king, for example Digg and Delicious which allow users to share their favorite online content with one another while also creating online bookmarks that the user can refer to in the same way he would a bookmark created offline in his web browser. Finally, there are the Virtual Reality sites, as Second Life, Online Gaming like World of Warcraft.- So, what is exactly a social medium? Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. As Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content (p.60). From the definition mentioned above Social Media can be described as dynamic, interactive, searchable, infinite, syndicated, linkable, and reusable, and the reason why it is growing, and becoming so popular among users is the fact that most of it is free, theres a lot of traffic, trust, and knowledge being shared. Millions of people now gather and interact online, track news and make their own.  Therefore the essential reason for using social media is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the need for dialogue and open communication. It is a new communication technology that gives the ability to people to interact with each other but most importantly it gives the ability to people to share and publish information through various audiovisual forms (Weisgerber, 2009). Social Media is yet another form of media, and a way to transmit information, but unlike traditional media channels, communication is not top-down and one-way from publisher to reader. Its communication in all directions people are sharing and generating their own content. And, unlike traditional media content, social media content is multimedia linkable text, video, audio, images, even shared comments. The rapid appearance of social media in the public area and the awareness of a powerful online consumer-force have alerted every kind of business all over the world. As consumers increasingly influence each other and share their opinions on brands and products on the internet, businesses are forced to rethink and reorganize marketing and communication strategies in order to keep up with continually changing consumer trends.    New Media VS Traditional Media Once, corporate PR strategies were used to control the message by creating a carefully crafted press release and forwarded to newspapers. Traditional PR does not provide communications to accommodate the fundamental shift in our culture. The attractiveness and development of customer generated news has diminished the strenght of third party credibility. The power of gate keepers has deteriorate due to the staffs cut of electronic and print media and have lessened the news hole size in order to burnish profits. There are no less than fourteen types of emerging/new media consisting of RSS feeds, corporate,video and grass root blogs, collaboration and client wikis, podcasts, technorati tags, webcasts,social media, such as facebook and twitter, and virals. All these forms of new media allow users to interact with one another, and by this way interactivity becomes mainstream(Phillips,2008,p.79). At this time and age, the world is essentially different. News and brand identity are no longer controlled through press releases or carefully composed newspaper articles. Brands are shaped by the audience-and the audience is everyone (Ampofo, 2010). People talk and people listen. Social tools, social media, and social engagement are the utilized methods of communication for many large advertising companies that have populated sites like Facebook and Twitter with brand focused pages and interactive techniques. Globalization and Internet have transformed PR, outlying best practices and providing strategic advice for communicating successfully and internationally (Freitag and Strokes, 2009). Using a variety of techniques, businesses can reach new online audiences and create new marketplaces. As social media moves from buzz word status to a strategic tool, more practitioners are developing skills related to this online communication technology. Everything is moving towards a digital wor ld. It can be said that people, and more specifically young people, dont read books, magazines, newspapers anymore. They are exclusively informed, for what they are interested for, through the Internet. Everything is moving into a digital form, consequently everything is turning digital, exactly like PR. Social Media is no longer a trend, or something to try out.   As Eyrich, Padman, and Sweetser (2010) say it is becoming an integral part of PR programs.   And PR people have to master social media and use them strategically to be effective. Its clear that we are entering the era of Social Media. They are in our everyday life and everything is done through them: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations. Social Media is empowering people to become the new influencers, and it is forcing PR and marketing professionals to recognize and include these powerful tools in their advertising and marketing communications strategies. In other words, there is plenty of literature discussing the potentiality of social media in influencing public opinion as well as behaviour, still however there are no solid evidence demonstrating the power of this media in achieving what is suspected.The truth is that, there arent many experts, even though there are many actively trying to play the role. The effects of social media in public relations One of the greatest phenomenons of the 21st century is the excessive usage of social media from a diversified audience consisting of a multicultural, multinational, multireligion of every age public. People choose to utilize social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and Second Life, because of their social and psychological need to interact (Phillips, 2008). Internet becomes more and more addictive and the human need to interrelate grows steadily even more compelling the PR specialists to use new technologies and new communication channels. Companies and businesses should use Social Media and get advantage of the benefits that they provide. The reasons are extended to a wide variety. There are many advantages for public relations to use social media as a tool on a daily basis. First of all, Social Media is insensitive to distance as a topic, need, or interest may be targeted on a global basis, there are no gatekeepers/editors as it is flattened with a one to many, and many to many approaches. Theres a lot of interaction as there is feedback whereas discussions take place, as well as debates, and response to requests by people or machines. There are fewer space and time limitations because there is a large and layered capacity for information. In addition the access costs are low, but the necessary computer programming may be expensive. Another important fact is that Social Media may be customized but also immediate feedback,such as e-mail and online chat rooms, are instant, and at the same time very simple, plus great flexibility in the format is available as multimedia is being used . Social Media provides the advantage of selecting from up to hundreds of social media bookmarks and tags; it also views on-the-fly online performance indicators right from the public relation release. Aids PR practitioners stay aware of what people are saying about the release (e.g. Digg, Technorati). Moreover it views the number of locations the press release is listed in Google, Windows Live and Yahoo! (e.g. PRStats), and assists interaction with visitors who view the news. Finally, it can help in Managing coordinated attacks on brands by activist groups without the campaigns turning into PR nightmares (Crisis Management). Last but not least, lets not forget that PR is about creating relationships. So, social media provide exactly this, through the many tools and application each Social Medium has. Social Media, lead to effective communication, which builds trust and strong relationships with media, bloggers, analysts, influencers, and customers. Also it creates presence; it enhances brand loyalty and extends brand resonance. Public relations practitioners will repeatedly be required to exploit new management communication skills where there might be specific according to the interest, group and/or community. Once upon a time, the strength of media ownership was depending upon the circulation size whereas now it is depended upon the connection in the online community (Phillips, 2008). According to Lydia Graham, President of Graham Associates in San Francsisco, taking as an example the evolution of a press release flow within the internet, it is now considered to be an online web page directly adressed to the consumer who is able to access it at the same time with the journalist impacting the style, content and format. In addition, news release can approach a whole online community; thats why it is no longer one-dimensional. Overall,it can be said that the growth of social media is spreading out whereas the industry of public relations can benefit from this expansion. The world communication structure is being altered and PR must adjust to the framework of the changing environment. Looking at the Future: instead of Conclusion In a nutshell, social media have come a long way since BBS on the late 80s and the launch of the first social networks to the area of Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. Larry Weber, a professional in building global Communications companies including Weber Shandwick Worldwide, suggests that the communications world is dramatically moving in a digital direction and those who understand this transformation will communicate much more effectively than those who do not (Weber, 2007). Social media continues to evolve continually, with major social networks and social media sites making changes and improvements on an almost daily basis, its sure to keep evolving in coming years. Public Relations with the use of Web 2.0 tools can deliver one or many messages. Interaction, immediate reaction and customization are the characteristics of these tools that aid PR practitioners to stay tuned with the publics. Therefore, Blogs can be all of the above and are used within and outside organizations to infor m , effect and generate interest over any subject that concerns the media. As described earlier, the last years social media have become one of the major communication tools of a large number of individuals around the world. Their rapid rise gave companies the opportunity to use them as one of their major public relations, marketing, advertising and promoting tool. They are providing people with a rapid method for communication. They are a  «strategic marketing tool » and provide industries and companies with a simple way for promoting their brand image globally. Social media is a way for building immediate relationships with your customers and maintaining them. Since mobile devices have become the central way of how people communicate with each other, mobile phones for social media networking is the number one future goal. Keeping in mind that today there are more than 500 million Facebook users who are actively signing up to their accounts from not only their PCs but also their mobile phones. This leads to a new era where future will be mobile. With t he increased use of Smartphones such as BlackBerry and Apples iPhone, people are moving towards a mobile and wired web union. If we already have reached the crest, what else is remaining to conquer? Web 2.0 along with blogs is here, and what is coming next is referred to as Web 3.0. Web 3.0 wont only be about reading, and writing but it will also deliver à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a new generation of business applications that will see business and social computing converge on the same fundamentals as on-demand architecture has for consumer applications. Web 3.0 era will radically change individuals career paths as well as the organizations where they work. Phillips (2000) Online Public Relations 1st edition Pingdom (2010) How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet? [Internet] Available from: Accessed on 28th of December 2010 Kaplan, Anreas M., and Michael L. Haenlein. Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. . Ampofo, Lawrence. Proving PR Success in Digital Media. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, May-June 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. . Eyrich, Nina, Monica L. Padman, and Kaye D. Sweetser. PR Practitioners Use of Social Media Tools and Communication Technology. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, Nov. 2010. 113sid=5ad4b579-1c84-4691-9cd5-6408ef5e022f%40sessionmgr104bdata= JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aphAN=35326323>.

Alternatives to Live-Action Fictional Films :: Film, Documentary

Is there an alternative to live action fictional films? And if there is an alternative is there a chance it could be entertaining? Who doesn’t enjoy a good fiction film? In Film: An Introduction by William H. Phillips, we learn that the alternative to such films can be both enlightening and entertaining (299). What type of film could be both enlightening and entertaining? Documentaries are. There is potential in a documentary film, also referred to as non-fictional films, which fictional films cannot grasp. According to Jack C. Ellis, a known documentary film critic, documentaries â€Å"(1) communicate insights, achieve beauty, and offer understanding.† They also â€Å"(2) improve social, political, or economic conditions† (qtd. in Phillips 299). In ways documentary films are similar to fictional films. Both types of films have infinite possibilities of topic choices to choose from and have a crew to influence and manipulate the film so that it can be accepted the way they want it represented. However, documentary films are created to be works of informative and factual art. Fictional films, although they may stem from the ground of truth, they branch into the realm of unrealistic entertainment (316). But why is there a big market for documentaries? The answer is simple. Each person alive; whether they are young, old, intelligent, undereducated, black, white, Baptist, atheist, everyone has an interest in something and documentaries can inform an audience about that particular interest (316). There are two types of documentaries, the narrative and the non-narrative. The majority of documentary films are made up of non-narrative films, meaning that there isn’t an actual story being portrayed in the film rather just a list of information that make an argument (301). Narrative documentaries create and develop a story, normally following a person and their ambitions. This type of documentary is more comparable to fictional films versus non-narrative films because the information presented does not have to be sequential as long as it is factual (302,303). Both types of documentaries use artifacts, such as photographs, that pertain to the subject in their film and are spliced from one frame to another in the editing process, to force the point of view that the director wishes to portray onto the viewer (301 & 306). This is the reason that Phillips refers to documentaries as ‘Mediated Reality’. A documentary film is biased and cannot be objective. It may be perceived as truth by viewers, but there is a difference between the genuine footage that was recorded and the censored scenes that were developed in editing.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Discrimintation Of Aids Patients :: essays research papers

AIDS, or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has been one of the most threatening diseases of the 20th century. Ever since it has been discovered in 1981, it has been constantly infecting men, women, adults, newly born children, homosexuals and heterosexuals. In definition AIDS is an extremely serious disorder that results from severe damage to the body’s defense against disease. Even though AIDS was born in an era of sophisticated medical and surgical developments, it still remains incurable. The ways through which the HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, can be transmitted are: blood transfusion, contaminated needles used in drug addiction, from an infected husband to his wife through sexual intercourse, or from an infected mother to her new born baby during pregnancy. Because it is that much spread and so far incurable, AIDS has aroused a lot hysterical fears and a number of controversies and ethical questions related to the patient’s rights, doctor’s rights and the right of the public at large. While some people think that AIDS patients should be isolated in quarantines, alienated from the rest of the world, others find no reason in this harsh form of separation and discrimination against the infected patients. The patients must also have the right to lead a normal life that must be respected by all the public, and government too. Although AIDS is not more contagious than any other disease, its patients are suffering both social and medical discrimination, and that is not only unethical but could also cause an increase in the spread of the disease. The fact that AIDS is no more contagious than any other disease, makes the reasons behind the people’s fear of AIDS totally illogical. All people are thinking of is that it’s a deadly virus, but there is a lot more to know about AIDS than this. People must be more educated about this virus and how it may be transmitted in order to protect themselves and avoid their constant pa ranoia about AIDS patients. AIDS, unlike many diseases, is not transmitted by shaking hands, or through coughs, or by swimming in the same pool with an HIV positive. It has also been proven that even the exposure to body fluids such as saliva through deep kissing wouldn’t transmit the virus. This is because the HIV is found to be very weak in open air; it can easily be killed by ordinary household disinfectants (Kelly 33-34).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Elementary School Teaching Essays -- essays papers

Elementary School Teaching Elementary School Teacher Elementary school teachers teach pupils at levels kindergarten through sixth grade or, in some cases, through eighth grade a wide range of academic, social, emotional, and motor skills. They plan and present programs of instruction using methods and materials to meet the needs of the students. In order for all this to happen though, Elementary School Teachers must have a passion for educating as well as love children. Education requires dedication, organization, and thought out lesson plans on a daily basis. To ensure that the students get top-notch education, teachers attend staff meetings, serve on committees, and attend workshops or in-service training activities. When students get restless of being indoors, they have a special designated spot in their schedule reserved for outdoor activities, which they are responsible for. They must be willing to Prepare bulletin boards, correct papers and tests, and keep records and reports of the student. Every year, a teacher must evaluate student performance, and when need be, counsel pupils with academic and adjustment problems. Parents are always so interested in what happens in the school aspect of their child’s life, so teachers involve themselves in a Parent-Teacher conference day, in which they meet with the student’s parents to discuss the student’s progress and performance. Many of these tasks are done at the teacherâ€℠¢s home, not in class. Therefore, the teacher brings home more than an average career profession. As a result, they must not mind to take the papers home to read, check, and grade. But in class, they have an important job. Teachers may have up to 30 students looking up to them as an inspiration and... ...s, a teacher may teach one special subject usually involving music, art, reading, science, or physical education to a number of classes. Teachers often work with students from various ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. I am going to complete my studies for Elementary School Teaching at Schoolcraft College. Then from there, I am going to transfer either to the University of Michigan or Eastern Michigan University to finish up my remaining years required for the four year degree. When I transfer, I am going to get my major in my career and use it, to teach little children and open there minds, as well as inspire them in life. When I do get my degree in teaching, I am going to have it so I can teach at any level from K-12. With my drive of determination and my passion to make a difference, I believe that I will make a reliable Elementary School Teacher.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Manhood, Power and Respect instead of Childhood Essay

Dave Saunders is the main character of the story, the Theme of the Story is â€Å"Looking for Maturity, Respect and Power†. He is tired of been treated as a child, wants to spend his money to whatever he wants, because his mom holds his money, so he just wants to prove to the others that he is a Man. One day he decided to go the local store to buy a gun, which is the store of Mistah Joe, he ask Joe for a catalog, once he gets the catalog he went back home, his mom sees the catalog, and she doesn’t let him to buy, but after he tells her that the house needs a gun and also that he’s going to give the gun to his dad, she gives $2 for him to buy it. Next day he goes to Mistah Joe store to buy the gun, after buying it he goes to the field to admire the pistol. Next day of work, his is so excited that now his has a gun, he takes jenny the mule and goes far away, so he can test the gun, but accidentally he killed jenny. However, when everybody finds out that he is lying about jenny death, he decided to escape and leave all behind. And the story started like this. Dave Saunders 17 years-old, works at Mr. Hawkins fields, there is the place he makes his own money, and also when he begins his desire to get older, powerful and more respect. One day after he works at Mr. Hawkins fields he was heading home and thinking about the discussion that he had with others field hands that day, and also tired of being treated as a child. He resolves to get a gun for himself, so he can show more power to the others. Instead going home he goes to the local store that they offer a mail-catalog, which is the store of Mistah Joe, when he gets there he asks Mistah Joe for a gun, Mistah Joe Surprised says to Dave â€Å"ain’t nothing but a boy,† (Richard Wright) and he does not need a gun, but he nevertheless offer to sell an old pistol left-hand fully loaded for $2 dollars, Dave goes to his house so excited to ask his mom for $2 dollars to purchase the gun, but when he gets to his house Mrs. Saunders is angry because he has kept the dinner waiting, he sits down and Mrs. Saunders sees the catalog in his arm, and she sizes it, she takes the catalog and tells him to go wash his hands, when he comes back, Dave was so infatuated with the catalog that he did not notice that his father had spoken to him and his food is in front of him. But he knows if he asks his father the money the answer would be a straight NO, and he thinks that his mother is a little easier to persuade. But when he starts a conversation with her, she tells him â€Å"git outta here! Don yuh talk t me bout no gun! Yuh a fool!† (Richard Wright), but Dave states that the family needs a gun and after he buys it he will give to his father, Mrs. Saunders agrees to buy the gun but with one condition, as soon as he buys the gun it has to come straight to her possession and also make him promise that he will do it as she said. The first thing he does in the next morning is go to the Mistah Joe store and purchase the gun, while he comes back home, he stops in the field just to play with the gun and he starts shooting imagery objects, afterwards he gets home, he breaks his promise because he hide the gun under his pillow and tells his Mrs. Saunders that the pistol is hidden outside, and it is not true. He leaves his house very early in the morning, ties the pistol in his leg with a piece of flannel and goes to Mr. Hawkins field, he hooks up Jenny the mule and go plow the field far away so he can practicing shooting the gun and no one would hear it, but a fatality happened, he shot Jenny at his first shoot, when he realizes that Jenny is been shot he tried to plug dirty into the bullet hole to stop bleeding, but Jenny soon dies, he is frightened about what happened, he goes back to Mr. Hawkins and trying to tell a believable story about Jenny’s death, afterward someone finds Jenny and Dave make up a story that Jenny had something wrong and all of sudden fell on the point of the plow, but Mrs. Saunders knows it’s a lie, Dave is forced to tell the truth, when he assumed that he killed Jenny, Mr. Hawkins tells him that he has to pay $50 dollars for the mule, and he will take $2 dollars every month of his salary until he pays the $50 dollars. Dave feels annoyed because he has to pay back the mule, also very upset because all the others think he is a child more now than ever before. He decides to leave the city, by doing this he will leave all behind, his childhood and he will become a man as his desire. Dave Saunders is a boy that wants to get the power, the respect, the manhood and also the maturity that most of the men have. The gun seems to symbolize all this to Dave’s eyes, but it’s been showed that is just a phony imagination. Work Cited Richard Wright’s Parody of the Hunt Tradition in â€Å"The Man Who Was Almost a Man†(Fall 1986). Detroit: Gale Group, 2000

Friday, August 16, 2019

Platos Apology Of Socrates Essay

INTRODUCTION Plato makes it clear, especially in his Apology of Socrates, that he was one of Socrates’ devoted young followers. In that dialogue, Socrates is presented as mentioning Plato by name as one of those youths close enough to him to have been corrupted, if he were in fact guilty of corrupting the youth,[1] and questioning why their fathers and brothers did not step forward to testify against him if he was indeed guilty of such a crime. The relationship between Plato and Socrates is not unproblematic. The charges against Socrates says that he has two sets of accusations: the old, longstanding charges that he is a criminal, a busybody, and a curious person who makes inquiries into the earth and sky, and the recent legal charges that he is guilty of corrupting the young, and of believing in supernatural things of his own invention instead of the gods recognized by the State.[2] Which he terms as charges stemmed from years of gossip and prejudice against him and hence was unanswerable. The trial of Socrates is the central, unifying event of the great Platonic dialogues.   The causes that occasioned this Apology were as follow: – Aristophanes, at the instigation of Mellitus, undertook, in his comedy of the clouds, to ridicule the venerable character of Socrates, on the stage; and the way being once open to calumny and defamation, the fickle and licentious populace paid no reverence to the philosopher, whom they had before regarded as a being of a superior order.[3] When this had succeeded, Melitus stood forth to criminate him, together with Anytus and Lycon; and the philosopher was summoned before the tribunal of the Five Hundred. He was accused of making innovations in the religion of his country, and corrupting the youth. However, as both these accusations must have been obviously false to an unprejudiced tribunal, the accusers relied for the success of their cause on perjured witnesses, and the envy of the judges, whose ignorance would readily yield to misrepresentation, and be influenced and guided by false eloquence and fraudulent arts. In the Apology, Socrates tries to dismiss rumors that he is a sophist and defends himself against charges of disbelief in the gods and corruption of the young. Socrates insists that long-standing slander will be the real cause of his demise, and says the legal charges are essentially false. Socrates famously denies being wise, and explains how his life as a philosopher was launched by the oracle at Delphi. He says that his quest to resolve the riddle of the oracle put him at odds with his fellow man, and that this is the reason he has been mistaken for a menace to the city-state of Athens. THE APOLOGY of SOCRATES Socrates begins by saying he does not know if the men of Athens (his jury) translation often says â€Å"gentlemen,† have been persuaded by his accusers.[4] Plato often begins his Socratic dialogues with words that indicate the overall idea of the dialogue; in this case, â€Å"I do not know†. Indeed, in the Apology Socrates will suggest that philosophy consists entirely of a sincere admission of ignorance, and that whatever wisdom he has, comes from his knowledge that he knows nothing. Socrates asks the jury to judge him not by his oratorical skills, but by the truth. Socrates says he will not use ornate words and phrases that are carefully arranged, but will speak the chance thoughts that come into his head. I know not, O Athenians, how my accusers may affect you: I indeed have through them almost forgotten myself, so persuasively have they spoken; though, as I may say, they have not asserted any thing, which is true. However, among the multitude of their false assertions I am most surprised at this, in which they say that you ought to beware of being deceived by me, as if I were an eloquent speaker. For that, they should not be ashamed of asserting that which I will immediately confute in reality, since in the present instance I shall appear to you to be by no means eloquent, this seems to me to be the consummation of impudence; unless they call him eloquent who speaks the truth. The three men who brought the charges against Socrates were Anytus, son of a prominent Athenian, Anthemion. Anytus makes an important cameo appearance in Meno. Anytus appears unexpectedly while Socrates and Meno are discussing the acquisition of virtue. Having taken the position that virtue cannot be taught, Socrates adduces as evidence for this that many prominent Athenians have produced son’s inferior to themselves. Socrates says this, and then proceeds to name names, including Pericles and Thucydides. Anytus becomes very offended, and warns Socrates that running people down could get him into trouble someday. Meletus, the only accuser to speak during Socrates’ defense. He is mentioned in another dialog, Euthyphro, but does not appear in person. Socrates says there that Meletus is a young unknown with hooknose. In the Apology, Meletus allows himself to be cross-examined by Socrates and stumbles into a trap. Apparently not paying attention to the very charges he is bringing, he accuses Socrates of atheism and apparently, of believing in demi-gods. Lycon, about whom little is known; he was, according to Socrates, a representative of the orators. O Athenian, I should answer the first false accusations of me, and my first accusers, Socrates claims to never have been a teacher, in the sense of imparting knowledge to others. He cannot therefore be held responsible if any citizen turns bad. If he has corrupted anyone, why have they not come forward to be witnesses? Alternatively, if they do not realize that they have been corrupted, why have their relatives not stepped forward on their behalf? Many relatives of the young men associated with him, Socrates points out, are presently in the courtroom to support him.[5] For many have been accusers of me to you for many years, and who have asserted nothing true, of whom I am more afraid than of Anytus and his accomplices, though these indeed are powerful in persuading; but those are still more so, who having been conversant with many of you from infancy, have persuaded you, and accused me falsely.[6] For they have said, that there is one Socrates, a wise man, studious of things on high, and exploring every thing under the earth, and of believing in supernatural things of his own invention instead of the gods recognized by the State. These men, O Athenians, who spread this report, are my dire accusers. For those who hear it think that such as investigate these things do not believe that there are gods.[7] In the next place, these accusers are numerous, and have accused me for a long time. They also said these things to you in that age in which you would most readily believe them, some of you being boys and lads; and they accused me quietly, no one speaking in my defence. Such however, as have persuaded you by employing envy and calumny, together with those who being persuaded themselves have persuaded others. Consider, therefore, as I have said, that my accusers are twofold, some having accused me lately, and others formerly; and think that it is necessary I should answer the latter of these first; for you also have heard these my accusers, and much more than you have those by whom I have been recently accused. Be it so. I must defend myself then, O Athenians, and endeavor in this so short a space of time to remove from you the calumny that you have so long entertained. I wish, therefore, that this defence may effect something better both for you and me, and that it may contribute to some more important end. I think however that it will be attended with difficulty, and I am not entirely ignorant what the difficulty is. At the same time let this terminate as Divinity pleases. It is my business to obey the law, and to make my apology.[8] Conclusion Socrates concludes this part of the Apology by reminding the jurors that he will not resort to the usual emotive tricks and arguments. He will not break down in tears, nor will he produce his three sons in the hope of swaying the jurors. He does not fear death; nor will he act in a way contrary to his religious duty. He will rely solely on sound argument and the truth to present his case.[9]Socrates punishment speech angered the jurors. 360 of them voted for the death penalty; only 141 voted for a fine of 3,000 drachmae. Now Socrates has to respond to the verdict. He first addresses those who voted for death. He claims that it is not a lack of arguments that has resulted in his condemnation, but rather his unwillingness to stoop to the usual emotive appeals expected of any defendant facing death. Again, he insists that the prospect of death does not absolve one from following the path of goodness and truth. To those who voted for his acquittal, Socrates gives them encouragement: He says that his daimon did not stop him from conducting his defence in the way that he did as a sign that it was the right thing to do. Therefore, death must be a blessing. It is either an annihilation (thus bringing eternal peace from all worries, and therefore not something to be truly afraid of) or a migration to another place to meet souls of famous people such as Hesiod and Homer and heroes like Odysseus. With these, Socrates can continue his task of questioning. Bibliography Leo Strauss. Socrates and Aristophanic. New York, 1966. [1] Pp 82-2 [2] Pp83- 2 [3] Pp 84-1 [4] Pp 82-2 [5]pp143-1 [6] Pp 138-2 [7] Pp 84-2 [8] Pp 180-2 [9] Pp163-4